13 Reasons Why It’s Important to Hire a Copywriter

gif of matthew mcconaughy saying alright alright alright

*Matthew McConaughy’s speaking now* Alright, alright, alright. 

*Robyn’s typing now.* When you read the title of this blog post you might be thinking, Well, duh, Robyn. Of course, YOU think hiring a copywriter is important, ‘cause you’re a dang copywriter!?

Why yes, yes I am

And a huge part of my job as a copywriter is to present meaningful info to your dreamies, dear biz owner, about whatever it is they might be interested in buying from you, so they can then make a decision that feels damn good.

But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Right now, you may be feeling a tad dazed and confused about the idea of hiring a copywriter to help you sell your kick-ass products or services. Maybe you’ve been burned one too many times by copywriters that said they had it going on. But in the end, they left you standing around with your proverbial pants down.

Or perhaps the DIY route just isn’t cutting it anymore. You know you need to up your copy game, but you don’t have the capacity to dive deep into copy mentorship territory to pick up all the skills you need. 

But you’re still kinda wondering, “How can a copywriter benefit my business?” And that’s totally ok. That’s why I’m here. 


What can a copywriter do for your business?

Real-life example no.1: I can’t take full credit for this, because there are tons of other factors that go into making a great website, like stunning design, development, photography, SEO, and branding, but one of my clients did score a sweet wholesale deal - their biggest order to date - within a few weeks of launching of their new website.

Real-life example no.2: Another badass client of mine, none other than Amy Greenwald of Blue Raspberry Design, recently shared this message with me after we wrapped up the launch emails for her new course:

📝 Larger waitlist (because of the emails I wrote) - CHECK!

💪 More confident in decision-making - CHECK!

🌈 Shoulders feeling unweighted - CHECK!

🤪 Not losing your mind - CHECK!

As far as return on investment goes, one of those things speaks to the tangible results great copywriting can provide (a larger waitlist to sell to), but the real juice - for me, anyway! - is in the intangibles. The things you can’t put a price on. That’s what it’s allllll about, bébé!


Copywriting vs. Content Writing

Ok, now I want to quickly touch on the difference between copywriting and content writing. Because I like to be sure your expectations are clear. A good copywriter should always be clear, by the way…see #7 below.

When it’s time to get your sales page or launch sequence or website nailed -  hire a copywriter. We’ll get into all the reasons why in just a moment.

On the other foot, if you’re looking for Instagram captions, regular blog posts, or newsletters, a content writer will probably do the trick. Of course, a copywriter could write these pieces for you, but they don’t tend to use the full range of a copywriter’s skill set. A copywriter’s goal is very different to a content writer’s goal: a copywriter’s goal is always to get you a return of some kind. And that’s usually schmoney, honey


Why Copywriting is Important For Both Small and Big Businesses

Whether your biz is big or small, a bloody good copywriter can be a seriously lucrative addition to your marketing efforts. If you’re a solopreneur looking to hone your copywriting skills you may find copy mentorship and coaching is where your money’s best spent. Or, if you don’t have time to learn how to write compelling copy for your brand, you may want to hand off your website, launch, and email copy to a pro so you can get back to making those big CEO moves.

In the end, it doesn’t really matter what kind of business you have - getting any kind of professional copywriting support is going to be a worthwhile investment - IF you know who you’re hiring is good at what they do!


Why is it important to hire a good copywriter?

Of course, hiring a good copywriter is important. No one wants to hire a bad copywriter! Ha. That would just be silly. But you might be wondering why exactly copywriting’s so damn important. Well, unlike other types of writing you might do, copywriting is specifically designed to move your dream people into action. Think of it this way - your copy, when done right, is your virtual salesperson. It’s working hard for you, encouraging those clicks and ‘Add To Carts’, all through the power of words. Pretty neat, huh?

You could be a heck of a writer, but being good at writing doesn’t automatically equate to being good at copywriting. It’s a specific skill set that brings with it a bevvy of advantages. Let’s get down to it!


Reason #1 - A copywriter helps you speak directly to your dream clients or customers

Before one drop of digital ink hits the page, a good copywriter knows to do their research. This includes getting real up close and personal with your dreamies. Where are they right now and how do they currently feel? What’s keeping them up at night? What are they feeling most vulnerable about and why? When you compassionately understand where your dreamies are at, you can develop messaging and copy around how what you’re offering is going to support them. 


Reason #2 - A copywriter can help you develop your brand voice

Oof. Brand voice. It’s a doozy. A strong, clear brand voice gets you noticed. It keeps those heads a-turnin’ and makes you memorable. But too often brands and biz owners try to replicate another’s brand voice. Not good, my friend, not good. Working with a bloody good copywriter will help you develop your brand voice so your copy uses the words, phrases, and yes, even emojis(!) your dreamies will dig. Groovy.


Reason #3 - A copywriter makes you money

This one may seem obvious. But the point of good sales copy is to, well, secure the bag. Your copywriter will know how to speak to your dreamies’ current reality and build the desire for what you’re offering, so when the time comes to ask for the damn sale, your dreamies are usually ready to Rock and Roll All Nite, a.k.a. slam that ‘book now’ button. So if your current copy isn’t converting as well as you’d like, get a kick-ass copywriter on board to either perform an audit & mentor you as you write fresh words, or you could get them to slay your copy for you. 


Reason #4 - A copywriter allows you to focus on what you do best

Listen, I know you’re probably wearing a lot of fedoras right now. Especially if you’re a solopreneur and all biz-related things are falling on your shoulders. And I totally get the concern you might have about handing off a très important job (like copywriting!) to someone else. But when you offload some of those non-genius-zone tasks, you can get back to doing what lights you up. Most likely this is creating the amazing, game-changing products you’re selling, or sharing your expertise on stage or online through the coaching or consulting you do. Whatever your magic is, wouldn’t you rather be spending your time doing that thing, than worrying about whether your words are working for ya?


Reason #5 - A copywriter can create a cohesive voice across all your marketing channels

We touched on the importance of brand voice in #2, but let’s dig in a little deeper. It can depend on where your dreamies are finding you - this could be via an Instagram search, a Facebook ad, a billboard, a tv spotlight, or a lamppost sticker… the list is almost endless. What’s important is that wherever and however your dreamies are finding you, they can instantly recognise your brand because your voice is consistent. Now, there is some nuance here. Because you might find your brand’s tone may vary depending on where you’re popping up and who you’re talking to. Your copywriter can help you build out all the different elements of your voice and tone so you know exactly which words your dreamies wanna hear and when.


Reason #6 - A copywriter saves you time

If you’ve been fantasizing about bashing that blinking cursor with a bat emblazoned with red letters that spell FAH Q, it could mean you’re done spending hours trying to figure out the best way to say what you wanna say and get back to livin’. Stop wasting your precious time - hire a copywriter.


Reason #7 - A copywriter knows how to communicate clearly

Clear copy sells. It’s as simple as that. But why is clarity so important to your copy? Clarity - or lack thereof - could mean the difference between your dream person choosing to take the next step with you or not. If you’re not super clear on a) who you’re serving, b) how you’re helping them, and c) what makes you different to everyone else offering the same exact service or product as you, how can you expect your dreamies to understand why they should choose you? A great copywriter can help you zoom in on these essential messaging elements, and create copy that clearly amplifies what your brand’s all about.


Reason #8 - A copywriter can add creative flavor to your words

Once you’re crystalline-level clear on your core messaging, values, and overall brand voice, your copywriter can begin adding in those creative elements. I’m talking about the pieces of your story, your quirks, your weirdo-isms that are going to get you noticed because they are entirely unique to you. Yes, traditional copy is written in a way that’s pretty damn formulaic. But the kind of copy I love - and my clients love it, too - leaves room for those creative sparks to shine through.


Reason #9 - An ethical copywriter can write in a way that’s ick-free

This is a big one. And it’s damn close to my heart. When I got into copywriting, I really struggled when I studied some of the traditional copywriting and marketing techniques (which were mostly pushed by old white dudes). Reading their words left me feeling…gross. And it got me questioning whether I was in the right place. Did I really want to be perpetuating this kind of approach to marketing/copywriting in my biz? That’s a big phat NOPE. Lucky for me, I’ve learned from rad humans who’re turning the old-school way of doing things upside down. But really, it’s not that revolutionary. It all comes down to writing copy that’s human above all else. No manipulation. No shame. No exploiting peoples’ pain. Just conversational, feel-good copy that sounds like you’re chatting with a friend on the hood of your car… Now, that’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.


Reason #10 - A copywriter can be a specialist

Everyone’s got something they’re really, really good at. Copywriters are no different. There are a ton of different types of copy out there, so depending on what you’re needing support with, you might wanna hire a copy specialist. If you’re launching a new course, you’ll want to find a copywriter who’s experienced in writing sales pages and launch copy. If you’re getting your biz off the ground and need a kick-ass place to send your dream people so they can buy from you, you’ll want a website copywriter by your virtual side. And depending on whether you’re an e-commerce brand or an online service provider, your website copywriting needs will vary significantly, so you’ll want to make sure your copywriter can provide the goods.


Reason #11 - A copywriter can help you get found organically

Any copywriter worth their salt should know something about Search Engine Optimization. But especially if you’re hiring a website copy specialist. Your copywriter will know how to weave in those essential keywords and phrases into your copy so that you can get found organically by the Goog Machine (Ecosia is my personal preference - way more planet-friendly!) There’s on-page SEO to always consider, but your copywriter should also assist with helping with some of the backend pieces, like optimizing your Title and Meta Tags. A killer copywriter can add in what your dreamies are searching for without over-stuffing keywords, so you stay sounding human...which is more important than your search ranking, in my opinion. 

As SEO copy goddess Heather Lloyd-Martin says,

“Do you ever want to sacrifice tone and feel for what you know the search engines are looking for on a page? That answer is no.”

Hell-to-the-yeah, Heather, hell-to-the-yeah.


Reason #12 - A copywriter helps you stand out from competitors

The competition. There’s always going to be someone offering up exactly the same thing as you. And that’s ok. Because when you work with a damn fine copywriter, they’ll help you identify all the ways you bring something extra to the table. They’ll sprinkle in your you-ness throughout your copy, so even though your core offer may be mighty similar to so-and-so over there, the value and results and vibe you’re working with are alllllll you, bébé. When your word weaver can articulate all this - and more - you’re pretty much guaranteed to leave your competitors in the rearview. 


Reason #13 - You’re too close to your biz to write effectively

Usually, when I work with clients, whether I’m mentoring them or writing on their behalf, they almost always know and deeply believe in how their service or product can truly benefit people. But what they struggle with is writing about it in a way that: 

  • sounds true-to-voice

  • is 100% sleaze-free

  • actually converts

This is usually because they’re just too damn close to write for their biz in a way that’s effective. And if you’ve read this far, it’s likely you feel this way, too. 

A copywriter can help you get the perspective you need to approach your copy with unbiased expertise so you can communicate all the benefits, features, and outcomes your badass product or service offers. So that every time you pull up to the digital party, your dreamies will be calling out, “Shotgun!”

Now that it’s time to wrap this puppy up, you can see there are a ton of darn good reasons to hire the right copywriter for your biz or brand. I know you may have been burned in the past by less-than-ideal copywriting encounters, but if you can find someone who knows how to nail your voice, values, intention, and overall vibe, you’re winning.

And if you think that someone could be me, let’s party.

Hey, there! If we haven’t met, I’m Robyn LeRoy-Evans - the Boss Word Weaver at Echo + Scribe. I’m a copywriter and mentor for badass folks with big hearts looking to do good in the world with game-changing products or services.

Let’s stay connected:

Get my emails. Every week I send one-ish email packed with:

  • Awesome copy tips you won’t see on my feed… or more in-depth breakdowns of what I share over here on the ‘Gram

  • True-life crime stories about my other life as a secret agent. JK. My life is not that exciting, but I *do* share some entertaining stories about my life and occasionally connect them to biz, however haphazardly

  • Organizations, events, and causes I believe in and wanna shout about

  • First word on new offers, early-bird pricing, and other biz-related bits and bobs you might be interested in

  • Buffy. #SorryNotSorry. There will always be Buffy.

And when you sign up you get my cute lil’ freebie all about ‘How to Write True-to-You Website Words That Sell’. Subscribe here.

Wanna get straight to the chin-wagging? Say hi at robyn@echoandscribe.com or send me a DM.

‘Til next time, friend!


The Sorted New Orleans Website Copy Project


Trailblazers, Copywriting, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer